Colorful Classifications
May 2023

Crafting Neural Networks for CIFAR Image Analysis.

Python • Deep Learning • Torch • CIFAR • Loss Function
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Deciphering Digits
April 2023

Tailoring Neural Networks for MNIST Recognition.

Python • Deep Learning • Torch • MNIST • Loss Function
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Linear Models
October 2022

Handcrafting Ridge & Lasso Regressions to Dissect Errors.

Python • Scipy • Linear Algebra • Ridge Regression • Lasso • Error
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LA Travel Planner
June 2021

A comprehensive endeavor combining web scraping and web development to accumulate an extensive database of Los Angeles' tourism locations.

SQL • Python • Flask • WebScraping • Geopy
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Building a Fake News Classifier with Tensorflow
May 2021

Crafting an intricate machine learning model designed to discern between genuine and fake news articles.

Python • Pandas • Plotly • PCA • TensorFlow
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Unlocking Data Secrets with Clustering
April 2021

An intricate investigation into large datasets, utilizing advanced spectral clustering techniques to categorize and unravel hidden groupings.

Python • NumPy • Spectral Clustering • K-Means • Linear Algebra • Classification
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Unveiling Climate Trends
March 2021

An extensive exploration of global temperature trends and climate fluctuations in diverse geographic landscapes over decades.

SQL • Python • Pandas • Plotly • Interactive Geographic Graphs • Linear Regression
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World Happiness Report Analysis
Feburary 2021

A deep dive into the correlation between GDP per capita, social support, healthy life expectancy, freedom, and overall happiness scores across nations.

Python • Pandas • Economy • Correlation
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Economic Echoes of a Health Crisis
Feburary 2021

Analyzing Dow Jones in the Wake of COVID-19.

Python • Pandas • NumPy • Stock • Covid-19 • Time Series
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